TEER NOC 类别名称 Class Title  
3 53125 制版师 - 纺织品、皮革和毛皮制品 Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
3 53124 工匠和手工艺人 Artisans and craftspersons
3 53123 剧院、时装、展览和其他创意设计师 Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
3 53122 画家、雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
3 53121 演员、喜剧演员和马戏团表演者 Actors, comedians and circus performers
3 53120 舞者 Dancers
3 53111 电影、广播、摄影和表演艺术助理和操作员 Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
3 53110 摄影师 Photographers
3 53100 登记员、修复员、口译员和其他与博物馆和美术馆相关的职业 Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
3 43204 加拿大武装部队的行动成员 Operations members of the Canadian Armed Forces
3 43203 边境服务、海关和移民官员 Border services, customs, and immigration officers
3 43202 执法人员和其他监管人员 By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
3 43201 惩教人员 Correctional service officers
3 43200 治安官和法警 Sheriffs and bailiffs
3 43109 其他讲师 Other instructors
3 43100 中小学助教 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
3 33109 支持卫生服务的其他辅助职业 Other assisting occupations in support of health services
3 33103 药房技术助理和药房助理 Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
3 33102 护士助理、勤杂工和病人服务助理 Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
3 33101 医学实验室助理及相关技术职业 Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations