TEER NOC 类别名称 Class Title  
5 75210 船只和电缆渡轮操作员及相关职业 Boat and cable ferry operators and related occupations
5 75201 送货服务司机和上门分销商 Delivery service drivers and door-to-door distributors
5 75200 出租车和豪华轿车司机和受雇司机 Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs
5 75119 其他行业帮工和劳工 Other trades helpers and labourers
5 75110 建筑帮工和劳工 Construction trades helpers and labourers
5 75101 物料搬运工 Material handlers
5 75100 码头工人 Longshore workers
5 65329 其他服务支持职业 Other service support occupations
5 65320 干洗、洗衣及相关职业 Dry cleaning, laundry and related occupations
5 65312 清洁工、看护员和重型清洁工 Janitors, caretakers and heavy-duty cleaners
5 65311 专业清洁工 Specialized cleaners
5 65310 简单清洁工 Light duty cleaners
5 65229 个人服务中的其他支持职业 Other support occupations in personal services
5 65220 宠物美容师和动物护理人员 Pet groomers and animal care workers
5 65211 娱乐、休闲和运动的操作员和服务员 Operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport
5 65210 住宿、旅行和设施设置服务方面的支持职业 Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services
5 65202 切肉工和鱼贩 - 零售和批发 Meat cutters and fishmongers - retail and wholesale
5 65201 食品柜台服务员、厨房帮手和相关支持职业 Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
5 65200 餐饮服务员 Food and beverage servers
5 65109 其他销售相关职业 Other sales related occupations