TEER NOC 类别名称 Class Title  
5 65102 商店货架库存员、文员和订单填写员 Store shelf stockers, clerks and order fillers
5 65101 服务站服务员 Service station attendants
5 65100 收银员 Cashiers
5 55109 其他表演者 Other performers
5 45100 学生监督员、过路警卫及相关职业 Student monitors, crossing guards and related occupations
4 94219 其他产品装配工、修整工和检验员 Other products assemblers, finishers and inspectors
4 94213 工业油漆工、涂料工和金属精加工工艺操作员 Industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators
4 94212 塑料产品装配工、修整工和检验员 Plastic products assemblers, finishers and inspectors
4 94211 其他木制品的装配工和检验员 Assemblers and inspectors of other wood products
4 94210 家具和固定装置装配工、修整工、修补工和检查员 Furniture and fixture assemblers, finishers, refinishers and inspectors
4 94205 机器操作员和检查员,电气设备制造 Machine operators and inspectors, electrical apparatus manufacturing
4 94204 机械装配员和检查员 Mechanical assemblers and inspectors
4 94203 装配工、制造商和检验员,工业电机和变压器 Assemblers, fabricators and inspectors, industrial electrical motors and transformers
4 94202 装配和检验,电器、仪器和设备制造 Assemblers and inspectors, electrical appliance, apparatus and equipment manufacturing
4 94201 电子装配工、制造商、检验员和测试员 Electronics assemblers, fabricators, inspectors and testers
4 94200 机动车装配工、检查员和测试员 Motor vehicle assemblers, inspectors and testers
4 94153 照相和胶片处理人员 Photographic and film processors
4 94152 装订和整理机操作员 Binding and finishing machine operators
4 94151 摄像、制版等印前职业 Camera, platemaking and other prepress occupations
4 94150 无版印刷设备操作员 Plateless printing equipment operators