21311 – 计算机工程师(软件工程师和设计师除外)
- 专用集成电路(ASIC)设计工程师
- 产能规划分析师
- 电脑工程师
- 计算机工程师(软件除外)
- 计算机工程项目经理
- 计算机硬件工程师
- 计算机系统工程师
- 电脑通讯专家
- 数据通信专家
- 光纤网络设计师
- 硬件电路板设计师
- 硬件设计工程师
- 硬件开发工程师
- 硬件工程师
- 硬件技术架构师
- 信息技术 (IT) 解决方案工程师
- 基础架构架构师 - 信息技术 (IT)
- 微处理器设计师和应用工程师
- 微波系统工程师
- 微波传输系统工程师
- 网络架构师 - 计算机系统
- 网络设计师 - 计算机系统
- 网络工程师-通信硬件
- 网络基础设施工程师
- 网络专家 - 计算机系统
- 网络支持工程师
- 网络系统工程师
- 网络测试工程师
- 光通信工程师
- 光通信硬件工程师
- 光学系统工程师 - 电信
- 无线电系统工程师
- 卫星数据传输工程师
- 航天器电子工程师 - 硬件
- 系统设计师 - 硬件
- 技术架构师-硬件
- 电信工程师
- 电信硬件工程师
- 电信硬件专家
- 电信专家 - 计算机系统
- 电信系统专家
- 无线通讯网络工程师
- 分析用户需求,设计和开发系统架构和规范
- 研究、设计、开发和集成计算机和电信硬件,例如微处理器、集成电路板和半导体激光器
- 开发和进行组件的设计验证模拟和原型台架测试
- 在计算机和电信硬件的制造、安装和实施过程中监督、检查并提供设计支持
- 建立和维护与供应商和客户的关系
- 可以领导和协调工程师、技术人员、技术员和制图员的团队,从事计算机和电信硬件的设计和开发。
- 研究、设计和开发信息通信系统网络架构
- 研究、评估和集成网络系统和数据通信硬件和软件
- 评估、记录和优化信息和通信系统网络的容量和性能
- 可以领导和协调信息和通信系统架构、硬件和软件的开发和集成方面的设计专业人员团队。
- 计算机工程师需要计算机工程、电气或电子工程、工程物理或计算机科学的学士学位。
- 可能需要相关工程学科的硕士或博士学位。
- 批准工程图纸和报告以及作为专业工程师 (P.Eng.) 执业需要获得省或地区专业工程师协会的许可。
- 工程师在从认可的教育课程毕业、在工程领域拥有三到四年的受监督工作经验并通过专业实践考试后,才有资格注册。
- 计算机工程师可能专注于许多领域,包括模拟和数字信号处理、光纤、集成电路、激光、微处理器、微波和射电天文学。
- 工程师通常在多学科环境中工作,并通过工作经验获取知识和技能,这可能使他们能够在科学、工程、销售、营销或管理等相关领域进行实践。
- 本单元组的主管和高级职位需要经验。
- 计算机和信息系统经理 ( 20012)
- 计算机系统开发人员和程序员 ( 21230)
- 软件开发人员和程序员 ( 21232)
- Web 开发人员和程序员 ( 21234)
- 电气和电子工程技师和技术员(22310)
- 电气和电子工程师(21310)
- 工程管理人员(20010)
- 网络安全专家 ( 21220)
- 业务系统专家 ( 21221)
- 信息系统专家 ( 21222)
- 软件工程师和设计师 ( 21231)
- 网页设计师 ( 21233)
21311 – Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) research, plan, design, develop, modify, evaluate and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware and related equipment, and information and communication system networks including mainframe systems, local and wide area networks, fibre-optic networks, wireless communication networks, intranets, the Internet and other data communications systems. They are employed by computer and telecommunication hardware manufacturers, by engineering, manufacturing and telecommunications firms, in information technology consulting firms, by governmental, educational and research institutions and in information technology units throughout the private and public sectors.
Index of titles
- Application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design engineer
- Capacity planning analyst
- Computer engineer
- Computer engineer (except software)
- Computer engineering project manager
- Computer hardware engineer
- Computer systems engineer
- Computer telecommunications specialist
- Data communications specialist
- Fibre-optic network designer
- Hardware circuit board designer
- Hardware design engineer
- Hardware development engineer
- Hardware engineer
- Hardware technical architect
- Information technology (IT) solutions engineer
- Infrastructure architect - information technology (IT)
- Microprocessor designer and application engineer
- Microwave systems engineer
- Microwave transmission systems engineer
- Network architect - computer systems
- Network designer - computer systems
- Network engineer - communication hardware
- Network infrastructure engineer
- Network specialist - computer systems
- Network support engineer
- Network systems engineer
- Network test engineer
- Optical communications engineer
- Optical communications hardware engineer
- Optical systems engineer - telecommunications
- Radio systems engineer
- Satellite data transmission engineer
- Spacecraft electronics engineer - hardware
- Systems designer - hardware
- Technical architect - hardware
- Telecommunications engineer
- Telecommunications hardware engineer
- Telecommunications hardware specialist
- Telecommunications specialist - computer systems
- Telecommunications systems specialist
- Wireless communications network engineer
Main duties
This group performs some or all of the following duties:
Computer and telecommunications hardware engineers
- Analyze user requirements, and design and develop system architecture and specifications
- Research, design, develop and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware such as microprocessors, integrated circuit boards and semiconductor lasers
- Develop and conduct design verification simulations and prototype bench tests of components
- Supervise, inspect and provide design support during the manufacturing, installation and implementation of computer and telecommunications hardware
- Establish and maintain relationships with suppliers and clients
- May lead and coordinate teams of engineers, technologists, technicians and drafters in the design and development of computer and telecommunications hardware.
Network system and data communication engineers
- Research, design and develop information and communication system network architecture
- Research, evaluate and integrate network system and data communication hardware and software
- Assess, document and optimize the capacity and performance of information and communication system networks
- May lead and coordinate teams of design professionals in the development and integration of information and communication system architecture, hardware and software.
Employment requirements
- Computer engineers require a bachelor's degree in computer engineering, electrical or electronics engineering, engineering physics or computer science.
- A master's or doctoral degree in a related engineering discipline may be required.
- Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).
- Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.
Additional information
- Computer engineers may specialize in a number of areas including analog and digital signal processing, fibre optics, integrated circuits, lasers, microprocessors, microwaves and radio astronomy.
- Engineers often work in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skills through work experience that may allow them to practise in associated areas of science, engineering, sales, marketing or management.
- Supervisory and senior positions in this unit group require experience.
- Computer and information systems managers (20012)
- Computer systems developers and programmers (21230)
- Software developers and programmers (21232)
- Web developers and programmers (21234)
- Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians (22310)
- Electrical and electronics engineers (21310)
- Engineering managers (20010)
- Cybersecurity specialists (21220)
- Business systems specialists (21221)
- Information systems specialists (21222)
- Software engineers and designers (21231)
- Web designers (21233)