1 商业、财务和行政职位 Business, finance and administration occupations - 快出国
- 0 管理职位 / Management occupations
- 1 商业、财务和行政职位 / Business, finance and administration occupations
- 11 商业和金融业专业职位 / Professional occupations in business and finance
- 111 审计、会计和投资专员 / Auditors, accountants and investment professionals
- 1111* 财务审计师和会计师 / Financial auditors and accountants(A)
- 1112 财务及投资分析员 / Financial and investment analysts(A)
- 1113 证券代理,投资交易商和经纪商 / Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers(A)
- 1114* 其他财务人员 / Other financial officers(A)
- 112 人力资源和商业服务专员 / Human resources and business service professionals
- 1121* 人力资源专业人士 / Human resources professionals(A)
- 1122 企业管理咨询的专业职业 / Professional occupations in business management consulting(A)
- 1123 广告,市场营销和公共关系专业职业 / Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations(A)
- 12 行政和财务主管和行政职业 / Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations
- 121 行政服务主管 / Administrative services supervisors
- 1211 主管,总经理办公室和行政支持人员 / Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers(B)
- 1212 主管,金融保险业职业 / Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers(B)
- 1213 主管,图书馆,通信及相关信息工作者 / Supervisors, library, correspondence and related information workers(B)
- 1214 主管,邮政和信息分发职业 / Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations(B)
- 1215 主管,供应链,跟踪和调度协调职业 / Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations(B)
- 122 行政和监管职业 / Administrative and regulatory occupations
- 1221 行政人员 / Administrative officers(B)
- 1222 行政助理 / Executive assistants(B)
- 1223* 人力资源和招聘顾问 / Human resources and recruitment officers(B)
- 1224 物业管理员 / Property administrators(B)
- 1225 采购代理人员 / Purchasing agents and officers(B)
- 1226 会议和活动策划 / Conference and event planners(B)
- 1227* 法院人员和治安法官 / Court officers and justices of the peace(B)
- 1228* 就业保险,移民,边境服务和缉私关员 / Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers(B)
- 124 办公室行政助理-普通,法律和医疗业 / Office administrative assistants - general, legal and medical
- 1241 行政助理 / Administrative assistants(B)
- 1242 法律行政助理 / Legal administrative assistants(B)
- 1243 医疗行政助理 / Medical administrative assistants(B)
- 125 法院书记官、打字员、档案管理技术人员和统计人员 / Court reporters, transcriptionists, records management technicians and statistical officers
- 1251 法院书记官,医疗打字员及相关职业 / Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations(B)
- 1252 卫生信息管理职业 / Health information management occupations(B)
- 1253 记录管理技术员 / Records management technicians(B)
- 1254 统计官员和相关研究支持职业 / Statistical officers and related research support occupations(B)
- 13 金融、保险和相关的业务管理职业 / Finance, insurance and related business administrative occupations
- 131 金融、保险和相关的业务管理职业 / Finance, insurance and related business administrative occupations
- 1311 会计技师和会计员 / Accounting technicians and bookkeepers(B)
- 1312 保险理算和索赔审查员 / Insurance adjusters and claims examiners(B)
- 1313 保险承销商 / Insurance underwriters(B)
- 1314* 陪审员,房地产估价师和估价师 / Assessors, valuators and appraisers(B)
- 1315 海关,船舶和其他经纪人 / Customs, ship and other brokers(B)
- 14 办公室支持职业 / Office support occupations
- 141 普通办公室人员 / General office workers
- 1411 办公室支持工人 / General office support workers©
- 1414 接待员 / Receptionists©
- 1415 人事文员 / Personnel clerks©
- 1416 书记员 / Court clerks©
- 142 办公室设备操作人员 / Office equipment operators
- 1422 数据录入员 / Data entry clerks©
- 1423 桌面排版人员及相关职业 / Desktop publishing operators and related occupations©
- 143 金融、保险和相关的行政支持人员 / Financial, insurance and related administrative support workers
- 1431 会计及相关文员 / Accounting and related clerks©
- 1432 工资办事员 / Payroll clerks©
- 1434 银行,保险和其他财务人员 / Banking, insurance and other financial clerks©
- 1435 收集员 / Collectors©
- 145 图书馆、信件和其他办事员 / Library, correspondence and other clerks
- 1451 图书馆助理和办事员 / Library assistants and clerks©
- 1452 通信,出版和监管办事员 / Correspondence, publication and regulatory clerks©
- 1454 调查采访和统计文员 / Survey interviewers and statistical clerks©
- 15 分配、跟踪和调度协调职位 / Distribution, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations
- 151 邮件和留言分发职位 / Mail and message distribution occupations
- 1511 邮件,邮政及有关人员 / Mail, postal and related workers©
- 1512 邮递员 / Letter carriers©
- 1513 快递,速递和送货到门经销商 / Couriers, messengers and door-to-door distributors©
- 152 供应链物流、跟踪和调度协调职业 / Supply chain logistics, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations
- 1521 托运人和接收员 / Shippers and receivers©
- 1522 仓库保管员 / Storekeepers and partspersons©
- 1523 生产物流协调员 / Production logistics co-ordinators©
- 1524 采购与库存控制工人 / Purchasing and inventory control workers©
- 1525 调度员 / Dispatchers©
- 1526 交通路线和船员调度 / Transportation route and crew schedulers©
- 2 自然科学和应用科学及相关职业 / Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
- 3 卫生职业 / Health occupations
- 4 教育、法律和社会、社区和政府服务职业 / Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
- 5 艺术、文化、娱乐和体育职业 / Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
- 6 销售和服务类职业 / Sales and service occupations
- 7 贸易、运输和设备操作和相关的职业 / Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
- 8 自然资源、农业及相关生产职业 / Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations