5133 音乐家和歌手 Musicians and singers (LEVEL A) - 快出国
5 艺术、文化、娱乐和体育职业 / Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
51 艺术和文化专业职业 / Professional occupations in art and culture
- 513 创意和表演艺术家 / Creative and performing artists
- 5131 制片人,导演,编舞和相关职业 / Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations(A)
- 5132 指挥家,作曲家和编曲 / Conductors, composers and arrangers(A)
- 5133 音乐家和歌手 / Musicians and singers(A)
- 5134 舞者 / Dancers(A)
- 5135 演员和喜剧演员 / Actors and comedians(A)
- 5136 画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家 / Painters, sculptors and other visual artists(A)
- 513 创意和表演艺术家 / Creative and performing artists
5133 音乐家和歌手 Musicians and singers - 快出国 NOC
This unit group includes musicians, singers and teachers of vocal and instrumental music. Musicians and singers perform with orchestras, choirs, opera companies and popular bands in establishments such as concert halls, lounges and theatres and in film, television and recording studios. Music teachers teach in conservatories, academies and private homes.
5133 音乐家和歌手头衔范例 Example Titles - 快出国 NOC
- 伴奏 accompanist
- 教堂的管风琴 church organist
- 吉他手 guitar player
- 演奏家 instrumentalist
- 音乐老师 - 音乐家 music teacher – musicians
- 音乐家 musician
- 歌剧歌手 opera singer
- 打击乐手 percussionist
- 录音艺术家 recording artist
- 摇滚歌手 rock singer
- 歌手 singer
- 歌手 vocalist
5133 音乐家和歌手主要职责 Main duties - 快出国 NOC
以下是本单元组的一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group:
- 音乐家作为独奏家或音乐组成员,在观众面前或为了录制音乐,演奏一个或多个乐器。 Musicians play one or more instruments as soloists or as members of a musical group before audiences or for recording purposes.
- 歌手作为独奏家或声乐组成员,在观众面前或为了录制歌曲,演唱事先安排的音乐。 Singers sing musical arrangements as soloists or as members of vocal groups before audiences or for recording purposes.
- 音乐或语音教师通过私人或团体课向学生传授技术,阐释音乐内容和音乐理论。 Teachers of music or voice teach technique, interpretation and music theory to students through private or group lessons.
- 音乐家和歌唱家通常专注于特定类型的音乐,如古典,乡村,民族,爵士,歌剧或流行音乐。 Musicians and singers usually specialize in specific types of music such as classical, country, ethnic, jazz, opera or popular music.
5133 音乐家和歌手任职要求 Employment requirements - 快出国 NOC
- 通常需要大学或学院的音乐培训,或通过私人指导。 Musical training from a university or college or through private instruction is usually required.
- 乐团成员和其他专业的古典音乐家和歌唱家通常需要音乐专业大学学位。 Members of orchestras and other professional classical musicians and singers usually require a university degree in music.
- 试演期间表现出的音乐才华和能力是重要的招聘标准。 Musical talent and ability, as demonstrated during an audition, are important hiring criteria.
- 可能必需是相关职业或类型演出的公会或工会的成员。 Membership in a guild or union related to the occupation or type of performance may be required.
5133 音乐家和歌手其他分类 Classified elsewhere - 快出国 NOC
- 指挥家,作曲家和编曲家 Conductors, composers and arrangers 5132
- 小学音乐教师(小学和幼儿园教师) Elementary school music teachers (in 4032 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers )
- 音乐教授(大学的教授和讲师) Professors of music (in 4011 University professors and lecturers )
- 中学音乐教师(中学教师) Secondary school music teachers (in 4031 Secondary school teachers )
5133 音乐家和歌手职称头衔 All titles - 快出国 NOC
- 伴奏 accompanist
- 手风琴老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 accordion teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 中音 alto
- 备用音乐家 back-up musician
- 男中音 baritone
- 低音 bass
- 低音鼓的老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 bass drum teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 贝司手 bass player
- 大管老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 bassoon teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 蓝调歌手 blues singer
- 司号员 bugler
- 钟乐器演奏家 carillonneur
- 大提琴手 cellist
- 大提琴老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 cello teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 唱诗班 chorister
- 教堂的管风琴 church organist
- 歌手演唱会 concert singer
- 短号 cornetist
- 鼓手 drummer
- 长笛演奏家 flutist
- 民谣歌手 folk singer
- 福音歌手 gospel singer
- 吉他手 guitar player
- 竖琴手 harpist
- 圆号演奏家 horn player
- 喇叭老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 horn teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 器乐教师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 instrumental music teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 器乐音乐家 instrumental musician
- 演奏家 instrumentalist
- 键盘手 keyboardist
- 利德歌手 lied singer
- 女中音 mezzo-soprano
- 音乐老师 - 音乐家 music teacher – musicians
- 音乐老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 music teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 音乐译员 musical interpreter
- 音乐家 musician
- 歌剧歌手 opera singer
- 器官老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 organ teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 风琴手 organist
- 打击乐手 percussionist
- 钢琴家 pianist
- 钢琴老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 piano teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 流行歌手 pop singer
- 演奏会的歌手 recital singer
- 录音艺术家 recording artist
- 排练的音乐家 rehearsal musician
- 摇滚歌手 rock singer
- 会议音乐家 session musician
- 歌手 singer
- 独奏者 soloist
- 女高音 soprano
- 街头音乐家 street musician
- 教师,音乐 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 teacher, music – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 男高音 tenor
- 长号手 trombonist
- 喇叭手 trumpeter
- 大号手 tuba player
- 中提琴老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 viola teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 小提琴老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 violin teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 小提琴家 violinist
- 声乐老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 vocal music teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons
- 声乐独唱 vocal soloist
- 歌手 vocalist
- 声乐老师 - 音乐 voice teacher – music
- 声乐老师 - 私人,温室或工作室的教训 voice teacher – private, conservatory or studio lessons