3 卫生职业 Health occupations - 快出国
- 0 管理职位 / Management occupations
- 1 商业、财务和行政职位 / Business, finance and administration occupations
- 2 自然科学和应用科学及相关职业 / Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
- 3 卫生职业 / Health occupations
- 30 护理专业职业 / Professional occupations in nursing
- 301 护理专业职业 / Professional occupations in nursing
- 3011* 护理协调员及主管 / Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors(A)
- 3012* 注册护士及注册精神科护士 / Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses(A)
- 31 健康专业职业(护理除外) / Professional occupations in health (except nursing)
- 311 内科医生、牙医和兽医 / Physicians, dentists and veterinarians
- 3111* 专科医师 / Specialist physicians(A)
- 3112* 全科医生和家庭医生 / General practitioners and family physicians(A)
- 3113* 牙医 / Dentists(A)
- 3114* 兽医 / Veterinarians(A)
- 312 验光师、按摩师和其他健康诊断和治疗专员 / Optometrists, chiropractors and other health diagnosing and treating professionals
- 3121* 视光师 / Optometrists(A)
- 3122* 脊医(按摩疗法医生) / Chiropractors(A)
- 3124* 同盟初级保健医生 / Allied primary health practitioners(A)
- 3125* 其他专业的健康诊断和治疗职业 / Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating(A)
- 313 药剂师、营养师和营养学家 / Pharmacists, dietitians and nutritionists
- 3131* 药剂师 / Pharmacists(A)
- 3132* 营养师和营养学家 / Dietitians and nutritionists(A)
- 314 治疗和评估专员 / Therapy and assessment professionals
- 3141* 听觉病矫治专家和语音语言病理学家 / Audiologists and speech-language pathologists(A)
- 3142* 物理治疗师 / Physiotherapists(A)
- 3143* 职业治疗师 / Occupational therapists(A)
- 3144* 其他专业的职业治疗和评估 / Other professional occupations in therapy and assessment(A)
- 32 卫生业技术职业 / Technical occupations in health
- 321 医疗技师和技术员(牙医保健除外) / Medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)
- 3211* 医学实验室化验师 / Medical laboratory technologists(B)
- 3212 医学实验室技术人员和病理学家助理 / Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants(B)
- 3213* 动物健康技术人员和兽医技术人员 / Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians(B)
- 3214* 呼吸治疗师,临床灌注和心肺技师 / Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists(B)
- 3215* 医疗放射技师 / Medical radiation technologists(B)
- 3216 医用超声检查 / Medical sonographers(B)
- 3217* 心脏病学技师和电生理诊断技师,制造业 / Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c.(B)
- 3219 其他医疗技师和技术员(除牙齿健康) / Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)(B)
- 322 牙医保健技术职位 / Technical occupations in dental health care
- 3221* 牙科艺人(镶牙) / Denturists(B)
- 3222* 牙齿卫生员,牙科治疗 / Dental hygienists and dental therapists(B)
- 3223* 牙科技师,技术员及实验室助理 / Dental technologists, technicians and laboratory assistants(B)
- 323 其他卫生保健技术职业 / Other technical occupations in health care
- 3231* 配镜师 / Opticians(B)
- 3232* 自然疗法职业医师 / Practitioners of natural healing(B)
- 3233* 执照护士 / Licensed practical nurses(B)
- 3234* 医疗辅助职业 / Paramedical occupations(B)
- 3236* 按摩治疗师 / Massage therapists(B)
- 3237* 其他技术职业治疗和评估 / Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment(B)
- 34 卫生服务支持助理职业 / Assisting occupations in support of health services
- 341 卫生服务支持助理职业 / Assisting occupations in support of health services
- 3411* 牙科助理 / Dental assistants©
- 3413 护士助手,看护员和病人服务合作员 / Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates©
- 3414 其他协助职业卫生服务的支持 / Other assisting occupations in support of health services©
- 4 教育、法律和社会、社区和政府服务职业 / Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services
- 5 艺术、文化、娱乐和体育职业 / Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport
- 6 销售和服务类职业 / Sales and service occupations
- 7 贸易、运输和设备操作和相关的职业 / Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations
- 8 自然资源、农业及相关生产职业 / Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations